Apr 5, 2012

Not likable people...

I watched Margin Call a few weeks ago. While I liked the performance by Kevin Spacey, Demi Moore and other good actors, I found that the story was too thin. The movie spent too much time on the emotional struggle of share traders. But they were not very likable people. In the end, none of them received their punishment. I wasn't too happy about that. The villains got off lightly.


  1. Enid, a good reminded to us writers that we need at least one likeable character!

  2. Yes, Conda, but it's difficult to create likeable people...


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I'm the author of The Spinster's Vow, My Darcy Vibrates, Every Savage Can Reproduce, Chemical Fusion, My Darcy Mutates, Really Angelic, Bargain with the Devil, In Quest of Theta Magic and Fire and Cross. My novels have been ranked in the top 50 best-selling romances on Amazon USA or Canada. I write sexy romance in modern, historical, paranormal and science fiction genres. I love food, Pride and Prejudice, travel and tennis. With a Masters degree in Arts, I work in advertising and live in beautiful Sydney. Sounds too tame? You can read my wild stories at steamydarcy.com
