Keyword: seedy
Darcy grimaced as he followed Bingley into the noisy Austen Underground club. On one wall, there was a huge map of London underground stations; on the other end, hundreds of banana icons. People, mainly women, were chatting and dancing.
“This looks rather…seedy,” he commented to Charles at the top of his voice, as the music was very loud. “And the patrons…stroke your banana…what the fuck?” He looked at one of the banana drawing on the wall.
“Tsk, tsk, so full of cursing,” a woman teasing voice startled Darcy. “perhaps you’re mischievous yourself.”
He turned around and came face-to-face with a petite brunette shaking her head disapprovingly. Blushing bright red, he stuttered. Luckily Bingley came to the rescue.
“Lizzy, the décor looks marvellous! Quirky, I’d say.” He gave the woman a warm hug and a peck on the cheek. “This is Elizabeth Bennet. William Darcy. Don’t mind him. He's a sorry bull on Sunday, when he has nothing to do at home and I drag him to places.”
Lizzy scanned Darcy from head to toe, shrugged and then pulled Bingley away. “Come, Jane’s in the basement.”
Darcy wasn’t going to lurk around in a place where he knew no one. He followed the couple immediately. As his eyes settled on the back of the woman, heat surged in his body. The arse of this Lizzy was quite something. Fantasy of spanking, rubbing and licking came to his mind. That was absurd! She wasn’t even wearing trashy tight dress, just a pair of black jeans and emerald green T-shirt which accentuated her figure.
After several twists and turns, they reached a small room in the basement. A pretty blonde woman was tidying up some paint brushes. Bingley embraced her warmly. Then in a matter of minutes, he skipped off with her to another room in a rush, without even bothering to introduce this Jane to his friend.
Darcy shifted his weight uncomfortably, not sure what to do as he was left alone with Elizabeth.
“They are hopeless,” she said. “So you find our club…seedy? Is it because of the underground map?”
From the curl of her lips, she knew he was thinking of the other thing on the wall. But he played along. “It’s…practical. What’s it for anyway?”
“Don’t we not need directions, all the time?” She smiled and her eyes twinkled. “So it must be the bananas then.”
“Uhm,” he was lost in her fine eyes and didn't want to anger her. “you must have your reasons....”
“It’s a reminder of our desire,” she arched her eyebrows. “I kind of think that it’s rather honest.”
“So we should give in to our desire?” Gathering his courage, Darcy said softly, leaning towards her.
“How did you jump to this conclusion?” She leaned backward, keeping her distance.
“You mentioned about honesty,” he gazed at her. “I was, I’m actually, thinking, having desire…about you.”
“Wow, did you come on to every woman, so quickly?”
He thought for a while, with an inexplicable thrill through his body. “No. You’re the first one, for years. And before you ask, my intention is honourable. I’m not the love them and leave them type.”
“Well, don’t make any promise until you meet my mom and younger sisters,” she traced her finger along the lapel of his jacket and then she turned and walked away. She stopped at the door, “and my parishioners.”
Darcy’s mouth hanged open. Did I just preposition to a clergywoman? “I’m not in…a night club?”
Elizabeth burst out laughing. “Bingley didn’t tell you? You’re in the social club of our church but I’m still single and available” She winked and walked back up the stairs.
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- Enid Wilson
- I'm the author of The Spinster's Vow, My Darcy Vibrates, Every Savage Can Reproduce, Chemical Fusion, My Darcy Mutates, Really Angelic, Bargain with the Devil, In Quest of Theta Magic and Fire and Cross. My novels have been ranked in the top 50 best-selling romances on Amazon USA or Canada. I write sexy romance in modern, historical, paranormal and science fiction genres. I love food, Pride and Prejudice, travel and tennis. With a Masters degree in Arts, I work in advertising and live in beautiful Sydney. Sounds too tame? You can read my wild stories at
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